Travel & Accommodation

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We offer a range of services related to planning and organizing travel and accommodation for sport groups or individuals visiting Cyprus for a training camp or for participating in a sporting event.

Travel & Accommodation

We do the hard work for you

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What we offer

  • Flight and transportation bookings: Cyprus Athletic Tourism helps sport teams and individuals arrange for flights to and from Cyprus, as well as ground transportation to and from the airport and other destinations.
  • Accommodation arrangement: Our company works closely with a variety of hotels (including three, four, and five-star hotels) and other types of accommodations, so as to provide comfortable and convenient lodgings for travelers. Most of the hotels are near the sporting facilities and offer amenities such as fitness centers and swimming pools.
  • Coordinating access to sporting facilities: We assist sport teams and individuals in securing access to sporting facilities. Our company also helps groups arrange for friendly games or personal coaching sessions.

''Travel & Train Under the Sun''


Our goal

With Cyprus Athletic Tourism, you can focus on your sporting pursuits while we handle the logistics of travel and accommodation. Our team is dedicated to helping you plan and execute a successful and enjoyable athletic vacation or trip to Cyprus, with a range of services and support to make the process seamless and stress-free.

Travel & Accommodation
Travel & Accommodation
Travel & Accommodation

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